This game has four possible endings, and which one you get depends on two factors:
- The relationship between Josh and Riley.
- What happens in the final scene.
The relationship can be high or low. Towards the end, you can tell which it is by how Riley responds to a memory in which Josh is hit. If she tells him he shouldn't have said what he said, their relationship is low. If she defends him, it's high.As you go through the game, try to choose options in which Riley is either nice or mean to Josh, depending on which set of endings you're going for. Generally, talking about Pixie leads to a good outcome. If you feel like a conversation went badly, either exit to the menu before the game autosaves or restore one of the automatic back-ups, as below.
Final Scene
There are two potential outcomes to the final scene. For Riley to survive, you need to choose the following:
- I'm in the water.
- You have to listen to me.
- I need to get out of the water
- I need air.
- Help me!
- You're going to kill me.
If you choose those options, Josh should realise what's happening and intervene. If not, he won't realise until it's too late.
Restoring Saves
To see another ending, restore your most recent back-up and play through the final scene again to obtain a different outcome.
- Your save files are located in %USERPROFILE% \AppData\LocalLow\like Charlie\Ghost On The Shore if you're on Windows.
- Your current save is in the folder that's named with a long number, and it's called save_V2_0.dat.
- The last couple of saves will be named save_v2_0[YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS].bak.
- To restore one of the older saves, just rename it and change the file extension.
If you want to keep one of those older saves for a while, just create a new folder and copy the .bak files into it.
You'll need at least two playthroughs, as changing the relationship between Josh and Riley will take a bit longer. I don't know exactly how long - restoring a save from the middle of the game might be sufficient.